EEEEEFFFFFFFF the hunger games.
im sorry but what. the. hell.
seriously? all this hype and commotion over the books and movie so i finally watch the movie with a group of friends in the bahamas last week and i think ive been boiling ever since. every facebook status that mentions its makes me want to throw someone off a cliff (or use a bow and arrow on them)
okay first i will say... yes. it was entertaining. and thats the idea right? we watch movies for entertainment. we all sit on a couch with blankets and popcorn and put movies in the VCR, DVD player, Blu Ray, whatever the hell and you sit and stare at a screen for 2 hours for entertainment. its great. i love movies.
but what. the. hell.
and how do we know when that entertainment becomes violence? wheres the line? who shouldnt watch movies for entertainment? who might get crazy ideas and just run with them?
first...lets back up. if you live on planet earth you probably heard about the "Batman Massacre" and for any of you that hide from the news better than me ((not likely))...
click here
I'll just touch this topic briefly... I am pissed at James Holmes. What a dick. He freakin sucks. I refused to go see The Dark Knight Rises because of him. I wont see it in the theater. I know it sounds silly. it already happened. what are the odds if i go see it today someone is going to copycat james holmes? not likely right?? but Im terrified. I'm not a scared person. I am not afraid of death. but i am afraid of james holmes. I look forward to going to Heaven when my time comes and being with my daddy again. but what the hell bro? who does that? this crazy thing called life... its supposed to be precious. and then there are lunatics like james holmes out there just walking into movie theaters and calling themselves the JOKER??? whatttttt??? was that really "their time". i dont think i can really say that i think ya...thats life. and those 12 people were supposed to die that night in that midnight viewing of batman. i cant even begin to really get across how this makes me feel.
but to connect the batman massacre to the hunger games bullshit for you...
we have people loading up with hundreds of rounds of amo walking into theaters and temples just killing people for the hell of it... our life... our world. its crazy, Life is fleeting. people get sick with cancer and die. and there isnt anything we can do about it. but what about the people that are going to do those terrible things to others... is there really anything we can do? God gave us all free will right?
honestly i was DISGUSTED by hunger games. parts in the movie where they are cheering the kids on to kill other kids. its insane. and sure you might say "its just a movie" or "just a story" but when does it become NOT just a movie? when someone walks into a theater guns a' blazing saying hes the "joker" after dying his hair red???????
i used to laugh when our parents and teachers would say that our video games and tv shows and movies made us have violent thoughts and bla bla bla. its not the first time and wont be the last that ill look back and say "okay mom, you were probably pretty dead on. i now know why you didnt want me playing mortal combat 4 and knocking peoples heads off for hours on end"
didnt you hear about the 16 year old who KILLED HIS MOM and shot his dad? after they took away his halo 3???
I dont know what to do to make this shit stop. but we should. there are kids in... forget africa... in your town right now starving to death or wishing they had a mother to tuck them in at night or hug them or send them to school or give them shoes to wear but the rest of us are worrying about hunger games and halo 3. eeeeeef that.
woo saa world wide web. woo saaa.
venting valerie. over n out.
I'm so sad to read this...! WAIT----hear me out!! I am a mom...I was ABSOLUTELY against this book....the whole premise, disgusting. But, my 6th grade son and his ENTIRE class were reading the books so I HAD to know more. I went to the teachers...asked their take on it...wondered WHY WHY WHY they were celebrating such a premise, WHY WHY WHY SCHOLASTIC freaking BOOKS could **possibly** condone, let alone celebrate them. Then I researched Suzanne Collins and found out her perspective. FASCINATING. She grew up in a household where her career-military, philosophy degree holding father discussed and questioned the purpose of war at the dinner table on a nightly basis. And I read about how her over-arching interest was on the effects of war/violence on children. And that resonated...given our cultural obsession with it.
ReplyDeleteAnd then, I read them. Before I go on, let me say that not only am I mom pissed off about violence and video games and the intensity that is thrown at our children and overwhelmingly, blindly accepted by most parents, I also have a degree in Political Science, and I work in Public Health. So back to the books....Yes, they were 'seductive' in that way that easily sucks our children in. But in the first, there were strong hints of more...of a social statement. (Sadly, this is not apparent in the film.) And so I went on to read the statement getting stronger....but still not 'in your face' so to speak. Then I read the third, and I here is where I HAVE to speak out on behalf of Suzanne Collins.... YES!!!! The statement is important, it's invites a conversation that I can only hope my kids engage in when they are older. It's vital, even. When taken as a whole, and understood the way I fully believe the author intended, the violent, incomprehensible premise is two-fold: it is both the visual representation and threat resulting from the totalitarian world which she is exploring, it is also a shocking, attention-grabbing "vehicle" used to draw the reader into the world and social context which she is attempting to explore and question.
There are very clear problems though: 1. It's a PACKAGE. You can NOT take only one of the books on it's do so is MUCH deeper than a "disservice," it's actually almost dangerous on it's face. 2. It's being marketed to kids of an age where 99% of them haven't developed the reasoning/experience/worldview/maturity to comprehend the "message" (and, in fact, I would argue that few adults, truly ever get there) 3. The movie does the message a was clearly based on the "seductive", surface, gloss-appeal of the "vehicle" and is obviously, as such is now the money-maker of today. This part of the whole phenomenon is the disappointing part.
In the end, I allowed my child to read them, but with the conditions that 1. he read them ALL and 2. That we talk about it, and explore the message and the statement. I also allowed him to read them in 6th grade, because of who he is. Not only is he off the charts "smart" (especially in 'quantitative reasoning'), but he's grown up in a household where questioning social norms, discussing the role of government, and unpacking societal expectations is normal. If he were not this kid, I would have made him wait a few years.
The bottom line is, I do wholeheartedly believe that too many parents are allowing kids that are too young and/or not mentally "ready" to read them. Too many parents that don't know what their kid are reading are allowing the content into their kids hearts and minds without an appropriate discussion/forum to decompress it in. And, I really, really, really hope that you give the ALL THREE BOOKS (not the film!!) a chance because the message is's ABSOLUTELY not random violence and in fact, this is actually what concerns the author.
Thanks for allowing my scribbling here...!
One update to my reply: I was just thinking, and it occurred to me....I think the message is being marketed to kids because the author gives them more credit that I just did. Maybe she wants to reach them before they become jaded the very time they are being inundated with violence and learning who they are, what the accept into world views.